Ulisses Spiele GmbH now owns TORG
According to a post on the West End Game fan forums, WEG’s Eric Gibson sold the rights to TORG to the German company Ulisses Spiele GmbH, which is known as the publisher of “Das Schwarze Auge” (aka The Dark Eye).
This is definitely great news. Markus Plötz, the chief executive of Ulisses Spiele is a great fan of the game (he even uses TORG as his username on the official Ulisses forums) and I have no doubts that they will put this license to good use. Alas they don’t plan to release an English version, so they are looking for a licensee. Until this licensee is found English-speaking TORG fans will have to keep on waiting for a new version of TORG.
By the way, I once played in a game of Werewolf run by Markus Plötz, many years ago. But I doubt he still remembers me.