Ask The Readers: What are you running with Fate Accelerated?

At first I want to apologize for not having posted in a while. At first I was busy with preparations for our German Free RPG Day convention and then my mental health issues kicked in again. Sigh, sometimes life just isn’t fair. But let’s get to the topic at hand: Fate Accelerated.

Ever since Fate Accelerated was announced as one of the stretch goals during the Fate Core Kickstarter I was extremely excited. A simplified Fate Core ruleset on just 32 pages sounded just awesome.

Recently I was asked by a friend if I could run a game using Fate Accelerated for him. We haven’t decided on a setting yet, so I thought it would be very interesting to look at the games other people have run using FAE. So please, my dear readers, let me know what you used Fate Accelerated for. Did you use vanilla FAE or did you switch some things around? Please share your experiences with us! As always every comment is highly appreciated!


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Changeling the Lost.

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    Could you please tell us a bit about how you converted Changeling to FAE? Or was this not really necessary?

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Troy Truchon

I ran a Kolchak inspired game set two years after the civil war.

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Thanks a lot! That looks really cool.

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Chris Nolen

I just started a FAE Star Wars game, a semi-sequel to Knights of the Old Republic and The Sith Lords. It’s going to be a seven-session “first season” in the manner of Primetime Adventures; we’re using the “group vehicle” rules from the Fate Toolkit, and everyone made their characters together using the Phase Trio method from Fate Core. I’m also using Ryan Danks’s adventure fractal to run the game.

(I have a couple of rules tweaks in mind that were also inspired by Primetime Adventures, but I dunno if I’ll use those.)

We’re only one session in, but so far it’s been great! Most of my players have played Fate Core before, and the other one has picked up on it very quickly.

We also talked about FAE versions of Shadowrun, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and/or Elder Scrolls (among others) before we chose Star Wars, so any of those could also happen in the future.

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I have been running a Burn Notice knockoff series (based on the television show) at Strategicon in Los Angeles. My main problem was how to make a bunch of super-spies be awesome in their own way, without having to resort to skillsets wherein each character would need the entire set in order to quantify their broad ranges of abilities. The FAE “approaches” system made it painless. The two one-shot adventures I ran at the conventions were big hits.

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WHen my time frees up I’d like to try and run a Star Trek TNG style game using FAE. Either that or a Young Justice style game.

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I ran a Buffy the Vampire Slayer based game with it without any crazy house rulings and it ran smashingly. Sometime soon I intend to restart my Scion: Hero campaign using it.

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Merlin the Wizard

I played in a Spelljammer one shot using Fae. No special rules for ships or anything. I think if I were going to run FAE, I would use the Fate Freeport rules which drifts closer to FAE than Fate Core.

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I’m trying to run a play by forum FAE campaign set in a dystopic Italian Renaissance where the Leonardo da Vinci’s inventions are pushed beyond the limits of physics and created a new culture that we could call “clockpunk”. Flying vessels for the merchant guilds of Venice, armored warmachine for the engineers of Milan, patrons of the arts in Florence, the rise of Pope’s Inquisition against technology in Rome, brigants in the countryside and saracen pirates along the sunny shores of the south. I think you got the idea 🙂

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A space opera set on a space station. Like Babylon 5, but an original setting.

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Riley Vandall (Jerreth)

My custom hack using fortune cookie aspects in a tokusatsu-ish world. I call it: Benevolent Zodiac Delivery Force!

You can check out the houserule and the world ideas here: