RPG a Day 2015 Challenge – Day 4

And we’re back… Back to posting in the blog, and back for the next entry on the #RPGaDay2015 Challenge! You can find my previous post here.

Day 4-  Most surprising game

Amber_DRPGSurprise could mean a few things… I’m surprised just how much I liked this game, or how disappointed I was, or how complex, but I’m going on a limb here and go for all three! My answer is, the Amber Diceless RPG. When we played it I had not read The Chronicles of Amber and while I found the concept and the ideas in the book fascinating, we couldn’t wrap our heads around it. We got to the attribute auction and we talked about the game a lot, but never got around to actually playing it. We were younger and I’m sure there was a little gamer ADD involved when a new shinny came around, but to this day I am surprised by the ideas in the book, and sorry I didn’t get to play it!

Thanks for reading, and please share your thoughts, or our own entries, I would love to see what your picks are. Until tomorrow!