Plans For After The Pause

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am currently taking a break from GMing. I hung my GM’s mantle on the hanger and for the next few weeks at least I’ll just lean back and be a player for a while. But of course I am already making plans for the time after my hiatus. So what are the plans for my glorious return?

If you have read my reviews of Coriolis and Mutant: Year Zero you might have noticed that I fell in love with Fria Ligan’s games. They are all very well written, gorgeous to look at, and I am pretty excited about running and/or playing them. I am currently playing in a Mutant: Year Zero group, so I doubt I’ll run this game after my hiatus, but Coriolis and Tales From The Loop (expect a review soon) are very high on my list.

A game I want to revisit in the future is Monte Cook’s Numenera. I ran a very successful Numenera campaign in the past, and recently I have considered of returning to it. I love the Cypher System, because it works great with my improvisational GMing style. I also love the fantastic Ninth World setting because it’s a great canvas for all my twisted ideas. I’ve already hinted the prospect at my players and it seems they would love to dust off their old characters and board their fantastic airship again.

Even though Fantasy Flight Games hasn’t revealed the release date yet, I assume their upcoming Genesys RPG should be just around the corner. GenCon would be a great opportunity for a release but I reckon it should be out before Christmas this year. If it arrives in time, I might actually use this to run a game in one of the many homebrew settings I came up with over the years. I already know the mechanics well enough from playing their Star Wars RPG, so this should be easily done.

Last but not least I want to give D&D 5th Edition another chance. It’s definitively my favorite D&D edition, but when it came out I was a bit burned out on standard fantasy fare, so I didn’t put it to much use. But at the moment I wouldn’t mind chasing my players through the Forgotten Realms for a while. There’s also some Eberron material available for D&D 5E available online which may help me to run a short campaign in my favorite D&D setting. Regardless of what I pick, I will surely run some D&D in the future again.

Of course there are countless other RPGs I am currently reading, leafing through, or thinking about. I doubt my GM attention deficit disorder will never be cured completely. There’s always a shiny new game just around the corner. But the games I mentioned before are those which are most likely to be run by me in the foreseeable future.

But before that, I’ll enjoy having less responsibility for a while. Smiley


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Sounds great! GMing is hard work, and one that comes with a lot of pressure. Glad that you’re taking the time to relax and enjoy the hobby from the other side of the screen!

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Shawn Stroud

Good Call! Running games ALL the time can wear on one. Enjoy the player side of the screen! I’m doing the same thing, and it’s a blast!