Cypher System
Legacy D&D
Other Systems
Random musings
Savage Worlds
#RPGaDay, #RPGaDay2024, Dungeons & Dragons, Fabula Ultima, Monte Cook Games, Mystara, Numenera, Rifts, RPG, RPGaDay, RPGaDay2024, Savage Rifts, Savage Worlds, Wizards of the Coast
#RPGaDay2024, The other topics… Days 7 to 12
Hello friend! I am doing the speed round once again. While my regular daily posts have all been on the topics of Skala Wyzwania’s alternative prompt challenge list, the regular prompts include all sorts of exciting topics; see them below.
So, I’m doing a quick speed round of the general topics for days 7 to 12. Here we go!
Day 7: RPG with ‘good form’ – Numenera/Cypher System et al. Despite being an original Numenera backer and owning The Strange, the Cypher System, and other Monte Cook Games, I have never played a Cypher System game. But I loved reading those books. The margin notes, color coding, and references to other pages can look busy, but I found them great to read, and the format helped reference various sections of the book. I need to play them and see if they are as helpful at the table.
Day 8: An accessory you appreciate—My laptop and tablet are not technically gaming accessories, but they are my favorite as a GM. I run my games from my devices and have my books digitally or via systems like D&D Beyond. I have all my files and tools at my fingertips. I can still run a game without them, but I love their ease and functionality.
Day 9: An accessory you’d like to see – I love online tools for games (see my response for day 8 above!), so I want digital tools built in for the games I play. Savage Worlds has some great tools available. I was creating a Fabula Ultima character for a game I’m playing soon, and online tools are available. I want games to come with electronic tools built into the development system. There are many, not all, who do this. I realize this is an added burden to small publishers, so I understand when there isn’t any digital support, but I can dream, can’t I?
Day 10: RPG you’d like to see on TV – Easy, Rifts! While I love the everything-but-the-kitchen-sink nature of the setting, the Palladium system turned me off from the game for a long time. Savage Rifts changed that. I own everything they have published for the setting. Can you imagine a series like Vox Machina set in the Rifts Megavese? It would be awesome! There is a crowdfunding campaign for reprints of the Savage Rifts books if you’re interested.

Day 11: RPG with well-supported one-shots – Savage Worlds. Their one-sheet adventures are a great way to try the system, learn how to play it, and even try different settings. I can’t recommend this enough.
Day 12: RPG with well-supported campaigns – Saying D&D is an easy answer. With so many great campaigns published over the years, there is much to pick from. True that the 5th edition has seen fewer campaigns in the traditional presentation of old, I’d like to point to Mystara as an example of a great campaign. WotC hasn’t published anything significant about this setting since the days of TSR, but the campaign continues to thrive thanks to dedicated fans. Many of the books are available in PDF and PoD (print on demand) on Dungeon Master’s Guild, and of course, there is the fan’s work in the Vault of Pandius and their digital magazine Threshold that keeps the game alive. So, at the end of the day, the best-supported campaigns are those the fans embrace and keep alive!
Seems like I’ll be doing this after all. See you on the next speed round.
Want to know more about #RPGaDay? Check out David Chapman’s Autocratik blog post for RPG a Day 2024.
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