June Solstice Giveaway contest

To celebrate the first day of summer (or winter if you are living on the southern hemisphere) we’re giving away more RPG PDFs in collaboration with the nice guys at RPGNow/DriveThruRPG!

This time you can win the following:

  • Karma RP System Karma Roleplaying System Core Rules Book from Bards and Sages
    Control your character’s destiny in ways you never thought possible! The Karma Roleplaying System offers you a unique modular system that lets you build the character you always wanted to play. No levels or classes. No arbitrary restrictions. Create your own races. Design your own spells. Build your own magical items. All using an easy-to-follow point system.

    Everything you need is in this one book. Additional supplements expand on the information in the core book, providing storytellers and players with additional ready-made material to use and additional inspiration for their own creations.

  • Dragonshire DeluxeDRAGONSHIRE: Deluxe Edition by Fat Dragon Games
    DRAGONSHIRE: Deluxe Edition takes your fantasy game to new heights… literally. This all new village set features raised roads, user customizable signs, bridges, a bell tower and much more! Our new stacking designs for building sections make constructing your town on-the-fly during your game a snap. Hot swappable interior floorplan tiles allow you to customize your building in seconds, and rooftop adapter pieces allow you to stage miniature fights on top of buildings! As with all of our sets, these models are designed for the beginner card modeler.
  • SW Fantasy CompanionSavage Worlds Fantasy Companion by Pinnacle Entertainment
    Hundreds of items, monsters, and new spells await your dungeon delvers in this Explorer’s-size full-color Companion for Savage Worlds. Arm your dwarven warrior with all-new Edges and a legendary axe so that he can stand against terrible dragons, loathsome demons, and even the most-dreaded giant bees! The Companion series features genre material that’s ready to be added directly to your existing game or help you start a new one. Expand your options and increase your fun: get a Companion today!

You probably want to know how you can get your hands on one of these. That’s easy. Here are the rules for our “June Solstice Giveaway” contest:

  • Leave a comment under this post to enter the contest
  • Make sure you enter a working email address when you submit your entry. If I can’t get back to you, I can’t provide you with your coupon!
  • Since the prizes are coupon codes for RPGNow/DriveThruRPG, you need to register for an account there
  • The contest ends on noon of June 25th 2010 CEST (GMT +2)
  • I will then close the comments on this post and over the weekend we’ll randomly pick a winner for each of the three products
  • One person may win one prize only
  • Winners will be announced early next week

Good luck!

UPDATE: The contest is now closed. I will draw the three lucky winners later this day and announce the winners on Monday. Have a nice weekend!

Michael Wolf is a German games designer and enthusiast best known for his English language role-playing games blog, Stargazer's World, and for creating the free rules-light medieval fantasy adventure game Warrior, Rogue & Mage. He has also worked as an English translator on the German-language Dungeonslayers role-playing game and was part of its editorial team. In addition to his work on Warrior, Rogue & Mage and Dungeonslayers, he has created several self-published games and also performed layout services and published other independent role-playing games such as A Wanderer's Romance, Badass, and the Wyrm System derivative Resolute, Adventurer & Genius, all released through his imprint Stargazer Games. Professionally, he works as a video technician and information technologies specialist. Stargazer's World was started by Michael in August 2008.


comments user

Michael, you've really made your already great blog even better by adding the additional bloggers.

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The Dungeoneering Da

Sign my up. That is some nice loot.

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Ina van der Vegt

Signer me uppers

comments user

Sign me up please, and I definitely agree with Wayne. I would like to see a bit more by Sven though.

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@Wayne: Thanks for the kind words.

@Phalse: I am sure Sven would post more often when he had the time. And I am very glad he joined the team as a guest blogger. He really is an expert on all things boardgame!

comments user

Well, I'll go for it! Sign me up!

Great offer, Michael, many thanks.

comments user

I´m in 🙂

Especially the Fat Dragon Tiles are awesome!

comments user

Just won at http://www.dungeonslayers.de, may as well give this a try, too. (obvious shameless website plug 🙂 )

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I'm in.

I hope I win something. Specially the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion.

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Nice! Free stuff is always good!

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Huh, it's at easy at this? Neat!

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Mostly entering for the Savage Worlds Fantasy Companion, but it'd be awesome to get the other two free as well.

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Count me in for this one! 😀

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Yeah, oh – here! Here! Here!

*sign in*

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Woo! Thanks for sharing.

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Yes please! All of those products are great!!!

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Allon Mureinik

Sign me up please.

Long time reader, first time commenter.

Yeah, SWAG has a way of flushing out wallflowers 😉

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Since I mostly play Pathfinder, I'm hoping to win Dragonshire, but I'm sure I could find uses for the others as well. Great site btw.

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Hans Zurcher

Yes please!

comments user

Count me in.

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Leaving a comment under this post to enter the contest 🙂

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Oooo…pick me, pick me!!

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Thanks for the contest!!

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woohoo!! 🙂

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a ver si me pego!!

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Tommy Brownell

What kinda comment? This kinda comment? I can do that.

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Count Me In

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Philippe M

At the moment I just have to roll a one on a D28 to win the Karma Roleplaying System Core Rules Book! Thats easy! : )

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Tyson J. Hayes

Well, I'm in. I've been wanting the Fantasy Companion for a while anyway.

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Nice competition, nice blog (one of two I read at all).

Whats more to say? – I hope I will win anything…

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Tracey Byram

I'd read these books then pass them to my friend that likes the same type of books that I do.

    comments user

    Sorry, Tracey Byram. The contest ended approx. 12 hours ago.

Comments are closed.