The 5th Edition
The latest version of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), currently known has D&D Next, is Wizards…
Dave Estes
Friendly local game stores and their owners are to few and far between. I think…
Searching For The Best RPG
I have been on an epic quest these last few months tirelessly searching for what…
DC Adventures Heroes and Villains Volume 1 Unboxing
[youtube] Links: GreenRonin Publishing DC Adventures RPG
A Non-Review of Mutants & Masterminds/DC Adventures
This is not going to be an official review of Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition/DC…
Follow up Castles & Crusades Unboxing (Now with Moving Pictures!)
[youtube] The above video and this post are a follow up to a…
Castles & Crusades Unboxing
Based on recommendations from more than one friend and reviews I had been reading on the…
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition Gamemaster’s Kit Unboxing
This was a great weekend when my wife came home from a trip to the…
Aspects of War
Whether the Player Characters in your campaign stand for good or battle for evil, one…
Interview with Green Ronin’s Jon Leitheusser
[caption id="attachment_7265" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Jon Leitheusser"][/caption] Anyone who is a fan of Mutants & Masterminds…
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd edition Unboxing
[gallery link="file"] Today was a pretty cool day. I swung by the postoffice after work…
Free Stuff Friday: Redbox Hack
It's Friday and it's time to give you some more free stuff! This week's Free…
Ultimate History of Dungeons & Dragons
This might have been around for a while, but I only recently discovered it. The…
Free Stuff Friday: Saturday Night Delves #1: Revenge of the Iron Lich
It’s Friday and it’s time to give you some more free stuff! This week’s Free…
Free Stuff Friday: Oldschool Hack
It's Friday and it's time to give you some more free stuff! This week's Free…
Free Stuff Friday: Mutants & Masterminds Character Sheets
This week’s Free Stuff is: Mutants & Masterminds: Character Sheets Character Sheets for Mutants &…