I’ve got RIFTS on my mind… Let’s talk about characters

I blame two men for my recent obsession with RIFTS and neither of them is Kevin Siembieda. The fault is squarely on Christopher Helton and Luis Miranda. Let’s start with the most recent influence. Chris, of Dorkland! fame, and whom I was lucky enough to meet some years ago at Gen Con and have dinner with (something that needs to be repeated!) has been posting about his upcoming game of RIFTS in Google+ as well as discussing it in the Geeky Voices Carry podcast.

I have not played RIFTS in a LONG time. The last book I purchased for the line was The Coalition War Campaign, and that came out in 1996. (1996, really? It was World Book 11 and they seem to be up to 31!) However RIFTS in never far from my mind. It was my go to game for a long time; I played it all through high school and into college. However back in 96 I really could not deal with the system anymore, despite endless house rules and tinkering with it for years, I gave up.

That doesn’t mean I don’t think about RIFTS, in fact I’ve considered which system to adapt it for years. First I considered d20 Modern with the Urban Arcana, d20 Apocalypse and d20 Future books. I even wrote a little introductory short story to a campaign and came up with an idea on how to introduce the game to reluctant players. I never went through with it. I’ve tinkered with other systems, most recently Savage Worlds with the Sci-Fi Toolkit, the Fantasy Companion, Horror Companion and Supers Companion. I’m currently thinking FATE Core may be the best option.

Regardless, Chris’ posts have made me think about the system and the fact that broken as it seems, the power gaming and power creep I came to loathe in RIFTS exists in other games. True that while some games strive for the perhaps unattainable game balance, cause let’s be honest a creative power gamer can break almost ANY system, RIFTS just throws caution to the wind and embraces the gonzo crazy world where a scholar and a hatchling dragon could be in the same party!

This brings me to the second person, Luis Miranda. Dear friend since elementary school, we played RPGs together for years and actually got the RIFTS books at the same time. Back them I read and reread the books and got most of the sourcebooks as they came out. We played in each other’s campaign, and even when my interest in RIFTS weaned, Luis’ continued. He still is a fan, and my most memorable recollections of the game come from the adventures I played with him.

Which in a roundabout way brings me to the original topic when I sat down to write this post, my most memorable RIFTS characters, for the longest time Luis and I were the GMs for our group. You either played his game or mine. We eventually met José Bellavista who was also a fan and ran plenty of RIFTS adventures. Luis was a brutal GM, and I liked it. He ran games where you knew the odds were stacked against you, but this only made triumph that much sweeter!

Another game we both loved was Call of Cthulhu (and he ran the very first CoC game I played back in High School) and like Pierre was apt to point out, in any of Luis’ games, you were liable to run into Cthulhu or be eaten by him. So this is the style of game the following characters were created for…

The nameless Cyber Knight

Cyber Knight 1

I don’t recall if this was the first character I ever did for RIFTS, but it’s the first one I remember. He was a by the book Cyber Knight, and my most vivid memory about him was shooting at a man with no MDC armor with my only weapon a MDC handgun. I hit and BOOM! The man’s torso was vaporized. My character was covered in blood and little bits of the enemy… I don’t remember much more about his adventures but Luis’ description of what MDC did to a SDC creature made me visualize the difference between the two damage types better than the book ever did. (For the uninitiated there is a brief explanation of just what SDC and MDC are here.)

Cyber Knight 2

The generic former SAMAS Pilot

The next character I remember was my renegade former SAMAS Pilot. I wanted to play a more vulnerable character, a regular guy that depended on his armor to survive the merciless world of RIFTS. He was a former Coalition soldier who after his deployment beyond Chi-Town, andseeing how his people treated d-bees and magical creatures, deserted and joined a mercenary group.

We were having some R&R in in a nameless town when Splugorth slavers arrived looking for us (if I remember correctly), regardless I left the “house of ill repute” my character was… relaxing, yeah, relaxing in. I could not put on all my MDC personal armor so I was running around town with half my armor in a large sack and trying to get to my SAMAS.

As enemies attacked I tried to parry with my “armor in a sack”, after a couple of rolls I failed at a parry and my squishy SDC body suffered damage from an MDC vibro-blade, off comes the arm! The rest of the adventure I was carried by my teammates until they could take me to a body-chop-shop to get a new cybernetic arm.

So by the next session we have followed a Ley Line and waited at a Rift as it appeared hoping to scavenge whatever comes through. What does come through? A Wormwood vehicle pursued by Mechanoids, yup, Mechanoids! I had learned my lesson and simply turned my SAMAS around and flew away as fast as possible.


It was not enough. The Mechanoids were far faster than my feeble human made armor, they caught me and I was shot down, almost evaporated. I figured that was the end, but the GM told me no, hold on. I was infected by comes weird techno-virus that game me powers from Heroes Unlimited.

Can’t recall much more than that, not sure we even played after that. However it led directly into my next character.

The Holy Terror

Holy Terror

Yeah, it’s as bad ass as it sounds. Taken from the Wormwood Dimension Book (an awesome book BTW among my favorites for the line, due in no small measure to the work of Timothy Truman) I don’t have the book at hand, but this was a construct like creature, supernaturally strong, big, terrifying, with a breath weapon if I remember correctly. I wanted to create a character that would not be as easily destroyed as the fragile SDC sack, I mean the SAMAS pilot.

And he was! A force to be reckoned with, I felt powerful. I should have known better. Soon I was facing my nemesis, another Holy Terror, but this one had super speed taken from the powers in Heroes Unlimited. Needless to say, he beat the crap out of me. My character ended up destroying a dam, and a whole valley, just to stop it. Still I loved the character.

And with that we come to my favorite character:

Fleet the Juicer


Fleet was my character in one of my favorite PBeMs I ever played (the other being a horror game ran via Yahoo Groups by the very talented Kirk Damato), Luis Miranda’s long running Rifts game. I don’t recall how long it lasted, more than two years probably, and at one point it had two groups running simultaneously. Luis replied several times a day and Luis kept all the players engaged. It was a great game.

Fleet was a common man whose village was attacked by slavers. He was a farmer but joined the other men in haphazard militia to gain some time so his family and others could flee. He was captured and sold to unscrupulous men that subjected their captives to experimental and faulty Juicer enhancements. Fleet was one of the few survivors. His captors meant for him to fight for them, but painfully aware that his time was limited (Juicer die from their enhancements in a few years) he rebelled and escaped.

When he returned to his village it was destroyed, his sacrifice was for naught. However he did meet some survivors that told him his wife and children had fled and thus began his journey to find them.

That’s how he got involved in the adventure, travelled all over the world, to other dimensions, switched groups and had a hell of a romp. However he never found his family. However it’s not the GM’s fault. My work load had increased at the time and I could not commit to the posting schedule of the game so I dropped out. It lasted after that and I kept reading the adventures of my fellow party members.

Luis eventually stopped thee game. I wish he would revive it someday. I would sure love to play Fleet again…

One last character: Honorable mention goes to the Triax Pilot who was almost killed and returned as a woman while rolling his background in a Central Casting book, and ended up in a Ravenloft adventure fighting the headless Horseman! Told you Luis could be brutal.

RIFTS is often ridiculed, and hey I’m guilty of some RIFT bashing myself, but I keep going back to it… I failed at my plan to run RIFTS RAW (i.e. Rules As Written, get your minds out of the gutter!), but now I am convince more than ever that I will return to RIFTS. MY players are NOT interested in playing the system, and I’m reluctant to do it myself, but one way or another I’ll be back!

I would love to know… Did you play Rifts? Do you still play it? Have you converted it to other systems? Let us know in the comments bellow.

Post Script: The man in this picture was the person who sold me my first copy of RIFTS. He had a store back in 1990, Gaming Emporium, which he ran from the back room of his house. Years later he would join our regular gaming group and play with us for a few years. We are still friends, thanks Sammy!


Welcome, reader; thanks for taking the time to discover who I am! My name is Roberto, although I usually go by Sunglar online. I am a longtime tabletop RPG player, primarily a GM for the better part of that time; some will say that’s because of my love of telling a good story, others because I’m a control freak, but that’s debatable. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico, an island in the Caribbean with a small but active gaming community. I’ve played RPGs for almost 40 years, and for most of that time, I played D&D in all its permutations, including Pathfinder and D&D 5th edition. Other games our regular gaming group plays include Mutants & Masterminds, Castles & Crusades, Savage Worlds, Stars Without Number, Alien, and more. I have played many games through the years and plan to play many more. I am a compulsive homebrewer and rarely play a campaign I have not created myself. You can follow me on social media as Sunglar, and I’m regularly active on Facebook where you can find me posting regularly in the Puerto Rico Role Players group. I am looking forward to hearing from you!


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Luis Miranda

Wow! Thanks Rob! I had forgotten most of those RIFT adventures. I feel honor by your post. Thanks bro.

It’s been a while since I played RIFTS. I always liked the setting Kevin Siembieda and his talented artists created. It is the only fantasy/sci fi setting that has inspired me come up with so many ideas for campaigns… despite its many mechanics shortcomings. The last campaign you mentioned at its peak it actually had 3 group running simultaneously, and around 15 players from Canada, US and Puerto Rico. Good times!

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    Luis, thanks for dropping by…

    Wow! I remembered 2 groups, not 3. Ant the page you created for the game.

    Got to give props man most of my early RPG memories involve good times with you! I’ll drop the bromance there. Take care man…

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Cody C.

I have a love/hate relationship with RIFTS. While I love the gonzo nature of the setting and would love to play in that world, I really hate the system.

I’ve also thought about adapting the setting to another system (my choice being Savage Worlds, which happens to be my go to system for adapting properties which have systems I don’t like). However, I never got too far with it.

My last experience with RIFTS was a character creation session that went nowhere. I remember rolling up a cyber knight and we decided to use one of those random table generators to decide what my backstory was. I remember I ended up married to another player’s character, who was playing something my character ended up hating. I have to admit it was pretty fun trying to make sense of those results. Too bad it was all wasted.

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    Cody, I loved the setting, still do… The system is problematic. I think I could tackle it and massage it to my liking. Some of my players might just bail if I insist on running it.

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I loved RIFTS. The setting has a huge potential to tell very deep and evocative stories, and while the mechanics in the RAW are questionable, I don’t think they are any worse than may other systems. It is a product of the thinking at the time about game systems. If it was written now I think the political setting wouldn’t change too much, but the mechanics would be far more graceful.

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    typhoonandrew I agree, the system is not worse that some other games out there. In the latest Geeky Voices Carry episode they make a good point, if the game was better laid out and presented it might be easier to pick up and use.

    This is the link to the episode if you are interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1ndXoRUOkU

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Christopher Helton

Honestly, I don’t have a problem with the mechanics of Rifts. I find that they’re much easier to handle than Savage Worlds, which just makes my brain hurt.We’re all ready excited about getting the game going.

Thanks for mentioning us, Roberto. I may be getting to Gen Con again this year, if you make it too I’ll run some late night Rifts. 🙂

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    Christopher Helton, thanks for dropping by!

    I am really enjoying Geeky Voices Carry, and look forward to the RIFTS game.

    I think RIFTS is easier to pick up that Savage Worlds because it is familiar to those of us who played AD&D, and other later D20 incarnations in many ways, because of the similarities and the common baseline.

    Savage Worlds was a hard game for me to pick up because it does some things differently and it’s true when they say it is a game better understood when you play it than when you read it. That said I personally enjoy it and want to give it a more extensive run than the couple of one shots and small adventures I’ve played.

    That said, all this talk of RIFTS also makes me want to play that… We’ll see! Again thanks for reading.

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Rifts is diceless roleplaying with dice! Hating the Rifts system is like hating the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. (Both of whom you could totally run into in Rifts!) It was my first “real” game and it has a warm place in my bio-system heart parasite. They’re still cranking books out god bless’em. Now I find myself pick and choosing the fluff as well as the crunch though. It’s kind of strayed from that post-apocalypse feeling I loved so much. When you have restaurant franchises, you ain’t in the apocalypse. Hell, I still buy the books though.

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    Restaurant franchises in Rifts Earth? Really? Really! jejejeje

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A Restaurant franchise in Rifts is the kind of dystopian contradiction which I think actually makes sense in the setting. A world where there are still large Orgs creating weapons, still governments, but huge poverty and wealth in the same walled city. Not there for anything except fluff, but useful.

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terri cardwell

I am looking for a on line group of Rifts gamers. I would like to join a Troop. any suggestions? I can play via skype

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    terri, I must say I don’t know anyone here in Puerto Rico playing, and really have no idea where you are located. I can recommend some online communities that may help. There is the Fans of Palladium Games – all Games No Drama Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/566068943480034/

    Also there is a Rifts RPG community in Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109016331438120127087

    I have no idea if there is any significant presence of Rifts players in Roll20… Hope you find a group to play with. Best of luck!