House rules for Swords & Wizardry

One reasons why I picked up S&W was that it’s very easy to modify. In most modern games, making a small change on one end can lead to catastrophic results. Not so with a rules-light game like S&W. Houseruling an old-school game is not only fun but also part of the “old-school” way.

While looking for some inspirations on how to run my S&W solo game with my girlfriend, I stumbled upon the Akratic Wizard blog by fellow RPG Bloggers Network member Akrasia and his house-rules. He has created a lot of minor house rules and even two full classes! If you are looking into changing some aspects of your S&W game, why not check out his stuff first?

I have to admit I am amazed how much creativity you can find in the old-school movement. I always thought things were more rigid back in the day. Oh boy, I was so wrong!


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David Macauley

I have to admit I am amazed how much creativity you can find in the old-school movement. I always thought things were more rigid back in the day. Oh boy, I was so wrong!

Other fallacies include "they're not interested in new blood" and "they don't like change", or best of all "they're all diehard rule lawyers". Hopefully we'll continue to see these fallacies and more begin to crumble.

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I am doing my best to clear up these misconceptions. From what I've seen so far, the old-school community is very open to newbies, polite and helpful.