Posts from Stargazer’s World will be included in OGT2

OGT Vol. 1 I have known this for some time now, but I wanted to wait with this announcement, to give Jonathan Jacobs the chance to post it first: Several of my articles written for Stargazer’s World and one guest post I wrote for Philippe Ménard’s “Musings of the ChattyDM” (now part of Critical Hits) have been selected for the upcoming Open Game Table Vol. 2! I want to sincerly thank my readers, the peer reviewers and editorial board for considering my works as interesting and relevant enough to be included into the Open Game Table. And I can’t wait to get my hands on the final book.

For more information on the first volume of OGT and the upcoming Vol. 2, check out Jonathan’s blog “The Core Mechanic”. There’s also a complete list of all participating blogs. Congratulations to all bloggers who made it into that list. It’s an honor to be among such formidable folks!


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I got the first one as part of the Gamers helping Haiti bundle and I’ve enjoyed it VERY MUCH. Conratulations…

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