While checking my blog's stats, I noticed that the vast majority of readers in the…
Tencent to buy D&D?
Just a few minutes ago I noticed a couple of posts on social media about…
We need more good player advice
A lot if not the vast majority of articles, blog posts, videos about roleplaying games…
Some thoughts on The Fantasy Trip
Back in 2022 I bought the "The Fantasy Trip" bundle on Bundle of Holding. Before…
The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry
Happy New Year everyone! While looking through my posts from the last two years or…
The Stargazer’s Legacy
A while back I decided not to talk about unfinished tabletop RPG projects any more…
ChatGPT and me
I irregularly play around with ChatGPT to help me come up with ideas or just…
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
D&D: Honor Among Thieves is the latest movie based on the fan-favorite tabletop roleplaying games.…
Books, PDFs and Online Services
Back in the early days of the hobby tabletop roleplaying games came in the form…
My all-time favorite roleplaying game
Over the years I have played quite a few tabletop roleplaying games and I've read…
WotC’s Future VTT – A Few Thoughts
The more I read about WotC's plans for their upcoming virtual tabletop software, the more…
ChatGPT and Game Design
Using AI to create art or texts is all the rage right now. But it's…
The Lost Ultima Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Even before I knew what pen & paper roleplaying games were, I was a fan…
They lost! We won! Or did we? (And some musings on the upcoming D&D movie)
Wizards of the Coast managed to do something extraordinary. In just a few days they…
More Alternatives to D&D 5th Edition
About a week ago I wrote a post about several tabletop RPGs you could check…
One Game to Rule Them All …
For quite some time now, Dungeons & Dragons (especially in its 5th Edition) has been…