My thoughts on the OGL scandal
If you haven't been living under a rock these past few days, you surely have…
In my last post I revealed my renewed interest in GURPS aka the Generic Universal…
A Look Back on 2022 (and plans for the future)
Oh boy, where to start? When it comes to this blog, 2022 has probably been…
A story of D&D 5th Edition, vicious circles and mistakes made
The last time I wrote a post on this blog I was preparing a D&D…
Preparing a D&D one-shot
In the last couple of years I had to cope with mental health issues, a…
What’s New With The Stargazer?
It has been a while since I wrote a proper blog post and even though…
Fresh Take on d20 Modern in the works
Evil Genius Productions' Dave Scott recently let me know that they are working on "Everyday…
Excited about “Monster of the Week”
A couple of years back I had the chance to playtest tremulus by Sean Preston.…
The Alt-Right in Tabletop Gaming
I highly recommend anyone watching the latest video from YouTuber John Battle in which he…
World in Progress (Part 2)
About two weeks ago I posted my first attempt at a map created in Wonderdraft…
World in Progress
Yesterday I picked up a copy of Wonderdraft, a really easy-to-use fantasy map creation tool,…
A Look Back on 2021
The new year is in its second week now and I thought looking back on…
Valda’s Spire of Secrets – A quick look
In the last days I've been browsing the internet with the goal of finding interesting…
I have a plan!
Yesterday I asked the question whether I should give D&D 5th Edition another chance. After…
Should I give D&D 5th Edition another chance?
In the last few days I have been thinking long and hard about my current…
Option Paralysis and the Urge to Create Something Myself
As you may well know I own a lot of roleplaying games. At this point…