NaGa DeMon: Another update

The progress on Galaxy Rising has been slowed down a bit in the last few days. The fact that I suffer from bad lower back pain for since Monday didn’t really help with my creative projects. Today I managed to finish the equipment section at least.

So what’s the status of the project so far? The core rules are pretty much done and the game should be playable at this point. There are no special rules for spaceships yet and neither vehicle nor spaceship stats. The rules for character advancement aren’t written either, but that’s not a big deal.

The big question remains: did I “win” NaGa DeMon? Yes and no. Even though I didn’t win when the official NaGa DeMon requirements are concerned, I still see it as a big success. Galaxy Rising is slowly taking shape and the core rules are more or less playable already. I am committed on getting it done if not by the end of the year then at least in early 2013. If you want to have a closer look at how the game is looking so far, check it out below!

I am looking forward to your comments!


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Well done sir! I think I’ll end up falling into the same category of not quite winning, but totally not losing. I also think that the end of November won’t be the end of my project. I’ve had a great time with it, and would really like to see it made into something real at some point.

Oh, and the pages look great. I love the frame and think it captures the feel you’re going for. I’ll be having a proper read through when I get the chance, and will let you know what I think later on.

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    Thanks! I am glad you like it so far! Please let me know how you like the rules. It’s not too late to fix anything.