Taking a short break
I wanted to let you all know that I will take a short break from…
Get “Interface-Zero” and “Shadows of Cthulhu” for just $2 each
One of my favorite games I never played is True20 by Green Ronin. Recently I…
Ad Astra: The Psitech League
Almost as powerful as one of the major nations of the Star Ocean is the…
Creating an old-school map in GIMP
As you probably remember, the One-Page Dungeon Contest hosted by fellow RPG bloggers ChattyDM and…
WoW Intervention
Yeah, yeah, in one of my first posts I wrote that this blog is about…
The Magical Gnome
Today fellow blogger VulcanStev has setup "The Magical Gnome", a Play-by-Post forum, where you can…
Interview with Chad Underkoffler
With the release of "Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies" (get it at RPGNow or IPR)…
Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies now available over RPGNow
If you are interested in swashbuckling fantasy RPGs you probably have heard of Chad Underkoffler's…
Ad Astra: The Akkathon Federation
Today I am finally returning to the world of "Ad Astra". This time I will…
Roleplaying in the world of “On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness”
"On the Rainslick Precipice of Darkness" is an episodic adventure RPG for PC, Xbox 360…
Two Worlds RPG for free
Two Worlds is an action RPG for PC and Xbox 360. In 2007 RPGObjects created…
Penny Arcade: “For the Vin”
Vin Diesel is one of the few celebreties who has openly talked about his love…
Recently the German RPG blog "Sven's Wortschmiede" has posted a tutorial of the game MyBrute.…
Ask The Readers: Magic in PDQ?
Initially I planned to use FUDGE for the solo game with my girlfriend but in…
Ad Astra: The SpaceCorp Corporate State
As promised I will now share some information on the only corporate state in the…
Minions in D&D 4th Edition: Hit or Miss?
Generally I like the new rules for minions in D&D 4th Edition. They are several…