Warrior, Rogue & Mage: Playtest
This morning, Will Hopkins from Creative Anomalies has posted his playtest report of my WR&M…
Lazy Friday Video Post: The Wild Hunt
I found this trailer on io9 yesterday and thought I should share it with you.…
Ask The Readers: What is the highest prize you are willing to pay for a PDF product?
The pricing of RPG products is always a highly debated topic. Some game designers and…
Hacking in Cyberpunk games
As I’ve written two weeks ago I am thinking about developing a Cyberpunk game powered…
Failure and complications
I think we all agree that a game without any chance of failure would be…
My GenCon plans
This year will be the first time I attend to GenCon in Indianapolis. For quite…
Lazy Easter Monday Video Post: Elder Sign
If you suffer from an overwhelming sense of dread brought on by the realization of…
Lazy Friday Video Post: PAX East 2010 Keynote
Check out this video from Wil Wheaton's PAX East 2010 keynote: httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rlh7_608KUs You can watch…
Gears: The only constant is change!
I finally made up my mind about Gears, my roleplaying game in development. Thanks to…
Cheap battlemats!
For the longest time I gamed without minis or a battlemat. Despite beginning to play…
Traveling for Inspiration
Travels, short and long, have often inspired me, both as topics for writing fiction (something…
Apple’s new iPad and RPGs
I have to admit I am very excited about Apple's upcoming iPad. In my opinion…
Why do I design games?
In the past people have asked me, why I bother to write games? There a…
The worst session I’ve ever played (or Gaming with Strangers)!
The first time I ever played an RPG with a total stranger was a disaster,…
Lazy Friday Video Post: “Making the Most of Mythic Structure”
This time I want to share a video from the Neoncon 2009 GamesU with you.…
The Secret of my Success…
Like a mailroom clerk with dreams of greatness, of getting that corner office with a…