Dungeoncraft: The Future of Asecia
In the last few weeks I wrote about my campaign world Asecia, its people, nations,…
Is D&D 4th Edition a “reboot” of D&D
When I was reading an article on io9 about J.J. Abrams Star Trek being a…
Some 4E myths
There's a war going on the internet. In blogs, forums, chats etc. players all over…
Fluff and crunch
A lot of posts on the network are about fluff vs. crunch or at least…
Feed the Reader
No, this post is not about RPGs, but about blogs, the RPG Bloggers Network and…
Iron Kingdoms
The people who followed my Dungeoncraft articles may already have guessed that the Iron Kingdoms…
RIFTS Ultimate Edition – Just my two cents
When I today opened my mailbox I found an US airmail envelope with the RIFTS…
Is d20 Modern dead?
When I am not totally mistaken the last major release for d20 Modern was d20 Dark•Matter and…
Pirates are playing in the sandbox
This saturday, we concluded our first Pirates of the Spanish Main adventure. I used the…
Is D&D Insider worth up to 8$ per month?
Recently WotC's Randy Buehler has revealed the plans for the future of DDI. In the…
Elementary, dear Watson!
I love RPG and I love murder mysteries. When I am not blogging, gaming or…
Drinking from the firehose
The RPG Bloggers Network is awesome. It helped new or virtually unknown blogs like mine…
Superhero campaigns
Although I am no avid fan I like superhero comics, movies and computer games. I…
Five things I’ve learned about RPGs from “Mazes & Monsters”
Roleplaying is all about the treasure you get at the end (and coping with your…
Tiny Adventures
Some time ago I stumbled upon "Tiny Adventures", a Facebook application created by Wizards of…
RPG Bloggers Network
As you may have noticed, the "Stargazer's World" blog is now part of the RPG…