Blast from the past?
Not long ago I stumbled upon this old post of Unified Rolemaster Playtest. Obviously I…
Star Fighter – Fourth Wish Games
Star Fighter by Lucas Jones, Forth Wish Games, is a fast and loose Sci Fi…
Review: Mutant Year Zero: Gen Lab Alpha
I was never very fond of anthropomorphic animals. That’s one of the reasons why I…
Kickstarter: Summerland
Greg Saunders is currently kickstarting the 2nd edition of his Summerland RPG. You might remember…
Bundle of Holding: Traveller New Era
If you are into science fiction and space opera roleplaying games the latest Bundle of…
Pocket Gumshoe -Everything is Connected!
If you are familiar with Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency you will know the phrase…
Corporation from Brutal Games
Quite by accident I ended up spending all my free time last week reading the…
Games I am excited about: 2018 Edition
Yes, I am easily excited. There are a lot of gamers who are wary of…
Distress Call, a Starfinder adventure on Kickstarter, an interview with the author.
A couple of weeks ago I found about a new product in Kickstarter. With the…
Happy New Year
While I am still enjoying a few days off from work (and blogging) I thought…
Sunglar’s Year in Review!
Hello one and all, and welcome to my look back at 2017, and a look…
I have spent some of my down time over Christmas reading up on Coriolis from…
Game Master Emulators
I half expected Micheal to post this morning, it being Christmas eve. In our house…
Truly Collaborative
I am starting my reading up on Corolis but this is going to take a while…
Mutant:Year Zero
I have read just about everything that is available to get for free several times…
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition available as PDF
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st Edition was the first roleplaying game I’ve played for an extended…