Roleplaying in the world of … Warcraft?!
Since D&D 4th Edition was released people have claimed it was WoW on paper. And…
Lamentation of the Flame Princess Sale
You might have heard of Lamentation of the Flame Princess before. It’s a D&D retro-clone…
Stargazer’s World is “Best Gaming Blog” according to RPG Blog 2
Every year RPG blogger, podcaster and ex-ENnie judge Zachary Houghton presents his picks for the…
Words of Power, part two of the Ultimate magic playtest…
I’ve been a little quiet these past few days, real life, a bad cold and…
Arcane Secrets, for Arcane Heroes
I am continually in awe of Michael Wolf's genius. I also find myself inspired by…
Handmade Gamer Gifts
The holidays are upon us, and 'tis the season for the usual agonizing over what…
Geeky Clean!
This post is a bit of a follow-up to what I posted yesterday. Finding a…
Ask Your Readers: Christmas Gifts for Roleplayers
Christmas is approaching quite fast and people all around the globe are getting ready to…
Learning to say no…
It’s hard. There I said it! What? No, no get your head out of the…
DriveThru discounts for the Holiday season
Again I can provide you with a coupon code that gives you a 20% discount…
Reimagining ourselves…
I recently read Superman: Earth One. “WAIT! This isn’t a comic book blog”, you say.…
New Official Fudge Site launched
Last week Grey Ghost Press launched its new community-driven Fudge RPG site. It’s still a…
What happened to the Girl Genius RPG?
I think I’ve mentioned it before that I just love Phil and Kaja Foglio’s webcomic…
What about Advanced Feats: The Summoner’s Circle? A review…
On earlier posts I have reviewed the two previous installments of the Advanced Feats series…
Earlier today I installed the DISQUS comment system on Stargazer’s World. At the same time…
Free Stuff Friday: Vampire The Requiem Demo
Back in the day I’ve played in a lot of World of Darkness campaigns. I…