Exploring Modiphius
I have started to look at Mutant Year Zero as part of my following up…
WEG D6 first play report
Following on from a couple of recent posts (https://www.stargazersworld.com/2017/10/28/looking-for-a-spiritual-home/ and https://www.stargazersworld.com/2017/11/10/first-impressions-of-west-end-games-d6/) I actually got to play over…
First Impressions of West End Games D6
I am one of those people who is an incredibly slow reader. If Mrs R…
Let the Quest Begin!
In my recent post (‘Looking for a Spiritual Home’) Johnkzin made loads of constructive suggestions…
Looking for a spiritual home.
Excepting this past year, I have spent the last 25 years pretty much just playing…
Good night to the Devil
This will be my last post on Devil's Staircase for a while. It is not…
Devil’s Staircase Wrapping up the Jokers
I have used Jokers several times if different aspects of Devil’s Staircase so I thought…
Devil’s Staircase Aces High
This time I want to get some ideas out about character progression. I am certainly…
That’s kinda fancy gun work you got there Mister!
Before we start shooting guns out of the bad guy's hand or put a bullet…
Devil’s Staircase Wild West Role Playing
I finally get to talk about my proposed combat system! First off, I have been…
Skill Resolution or playing the hand you are dealt
Someone used a phrase the other day and I quite like it. The phrase was…
Character Creation, Poker Style
So I have been thinking about this wild west RPG based around a pack of…
Dice or Cards?
I have had a bit of a fascination with card deck vs dice based rpgs…
I have been thinking about Patreon recently. One of the questions in this years #RPGaDAY…
Eclipse Phase Second Edition Open Play Test
This game is currently in open play test and to me looks really good. I…
Mission Aborted!
It was my intention today to write about the new open play-test of Eclipse Phase…