PAX Prime 2010 – Day 0
My Fiancé Hannah, and I were woken up at 5AM on Thursday, September 2nd to…
The Role Playing Game Museum…
The idea of a museum dedicated to role playing games sounds intriguing. I had never…
Fallout: Indianapolis
Recently I wrote about my plans to run several mini-campaigns in the future. The first…
The Heroes of Hougstran
Despite all the love Warrior, Rogue & Mage has received, here in the blog and…
Come to me my jungle friends!
Recent events in my life have me thinking about pets. Be they familiars, animal companions…
What’s in a name?
I’ll admit it, naming non-player characters and places in role playing game is HARD! If…
Food & Games
Don’t worry; this has NOTHING to do with all the electronic cooking games out there.…
Writing A Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Adventure
[caption id="attachment_5258" align="alignright" width="269" caption="The Computer I Do Most Of My Writing On. I am…
Sci-Fi Setting, looking for some feedback…
Unlike some of my fellow writers here in Stargazer’s World I haven’t tried my hand…
Salmon and D&D
Last Saturday I ran my weekly Dungeons & Dragons adventure. This weeks adventure was one…
Other sources of inspiration for RPGs: Comics
It’s easy to list off the inspiration and influences from literature and movies on role…
Your daily dose of ICONS!
Some time ago, when I was just getting on this superhero bandwagon I wrote a…
Deconstructing Metaplots
I have a confession to make (another one you say)! As a Game Master IÂ really…
Every Icon(ic) superhero needs a super villain!
Let it never be said that I am a fickle fan! The superhero fever steamroller…
Rolling up an Icon(ic) Superhero!
Ever since I began reading the ICONS RPG I’ve been itching to roll up a…
BBQ and D&D
Over this past Memorial Day weekend my gaming group and I got together for a…