A change of pace
You may have noticed that recently we didn’t post as often as we used to.…
Ask the readers: Tools of the trade, RPG book transportation!
I’m on the last leg of my current Mutants & Masterminds Dawn of a New…
I want to be a spy, the interplanetary kind!
My recent post about TV inspiration has me musing about all the different inspirations that…
Inspired by Television
Television programs have long inspired role-playing games; we have adapted concepts from TV into games,…
Taking a break
The holiday season is upon us and outside it’s already looking like the proverbial winter…
It’s beginning to look a look like Geekmas!
If you follow me on Twitter, are my friend in Facebook or have me in…
Ask the Stargazer: WTF Edition
Over the last few weeks I got a few really tricky questions that will force…
Learning is good for you! And gaming too…
To say that role-playing games have been good for me is an understatement. Besides the…
A word on comments
Today I had to delete a comment on my blog. That’s something I don’t do…
Food at the table (or other designated gaming area) what to do… Ask the readers!
I am a portly fellow, I’ll admit it. Or you may say pleasantly plumpy. Ok…
Lazy Friday Video post: “John Carter of Mars – Full Trailer”
Yes, I know this is quite off-topic, but damn, this movie is looking better and…
Puerto Rico Role Players: spreading our wings… And our horizons!
If you regularly read my posts you’ll have noticed that from time to time I…
What was, what is and what will be
After a few days being sick, I finally went back to work today. I think…
Long drives and Podcasts…
Podcasts and me, it’s a relatively new affair. Despite being an avid radio listener (and…
Caught unaware…
I am not a closet gamer! By that I mean I do not hide my…
Role-Player’s Cant
Tell me if this has even happened to you. You sit down to play for…