Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 1 of 8)
The sale of Lucasfilms to Disney, the release of the Star Wars Edge of the…
#GMwisdom, musings of a Game Master!
This past weekend I began tweeting a couple of reflections on RPG gaming on my…
I am currently taking a break from DMing and that’s one of the reasons why…
The End is Near – Adventure Background Part 1
As part of the upcoming CONcurrent I’m preparing to run a Savage Worlds sci-fi game.…
The man behind the Stargazer! An interview with Michael Wolf…
I’ve been fortunate enough to be contributing for this blog for two and a half…
Short Cthulian Bit: The Spiraling Worm
If you follow me over social media (and you can find out how to at…
A new avatar!
We interrupt you regular blog reading with this important message. I just got a new…
CONcurrent is coming!
And just what is CONcurrent you ask? It’s an online convention parallel to the best…
Mass Transit IV Unpacking!
Some time ago I wrote about a Kickstarter I was backing Mass Transit IV Maps…
Doubly Eliminating Expectations
I have played Magic: The Gathering almost as long as I have been playing RPGs.…
The Sunglar Report
Who is that Sunglar listed under authors in the right side column of the blog?…
Co-Op Gamers
A couple of days ago my girlfriend and I have started a new blog focused…
On a more personal note
A couple of days ago I posted about my plans to change the pace on…
Lazy Wednesday Video Post: Legend of Grimrock
I am currently enjoying my week off, spending most of the time playing video games,…
MARS Project, a zombiepocalypse game
Hello readers! Sorry for my prolonged absence. As Michael posted I’ve had my plate full.…
Review: Mindjammer
A while ago Sarah Newton contacted me and asked me if I was interested in…