Gary Gygax, I never knew thee
Today it's the first anniversary of the Gary Gygax' passing. UncleBear is hosting a one-day Blog…
Ye Olde Map Maker
You are in dire need of a dungeon map for your next adventure but you…
The WEG Fan Forums are back online
Some of you may have noticed that the West End Games Fan Forums have been…
Wizards’ new GSL
The word spread like wildfire: the new GSL is out. When I checked the latest…
Wars in your fantasy campaign
This is a rerun, it was originally posted on January 28th, 2009. War is a…
The english edition of Dungeonslayers is nearing completion and today, the english version of…
Roleplaying City Map Generator
Some time ago I read about an awesome freeware city map generator for Windows. But…
Kurt Wiegel really doesn’t like D&D 4th Edition
As you probably already know I greatly enjoy Kurt Wiegels regular RPG reviews on YouTube.…
So, you want to play a pulp genre game? Part 2
Last time we defined the pulp genre and I even recommended a few games worth…
Sneak peek: Dungeonslayers character sheet
The translation of the free, old-fashioned roleplaying game Dungeonslayers is finally nearing completion. I've finished…
So, you want to play a pulp genre game?
One of the genres that have seen quite a lot of renewed interest in recent…
Mutant Future
Some time ago I posted about Labyrinth Lord and other retro clones based on old-school…
Two new upcoming Savage Worlds settings
Evil DM Productions, an indie game design studio, has announced two new settings for use…
Some days ago I stumbled upon RPGbomb, a social network for roleplaying game fans. Here's…
New Edition of “Space: 1889” in the works
The German publisher "Uhrwelt-Verlag", a sublabel of Ulisses Spiele, has secured the rights to produce…
Why you should give the D6 System another chance
Do you remember West End Games? WEG was the company that brought us many successful…