Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 4!
I fear this whole Gen Con retrospective might be getting a little old, after all…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 3: On to other stuff…
So we’ve covered role-playing games (and I missed a couple of things but I’ll get…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 2: Other games and minis too!
And we are back… Welcome to part 2 of my Gen Con retrospective. When we…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 1: Role Playing Games
Last time I wrote about Gen Con was a week ago as I did my…
Gen Con Day 1… Results: Tired! (Lots of fun but beat)
Whatever possessed me to think I could actually write about Gen Con Indy after a…
My Gen Con plans…
I am really looking forward to Gen Con! I blogged about it a while ago...…
Twitter and me!
I was not keen on Twitter at first. Some may say I am not big…
RPG Blogging 101: You need to have a thick skin!
In light of recent events I thought it would be a good idea to come…
Some advice for the new RPGBA members
When I woke up this morning I was amazed to see that the number of…
The RPG Blog Alliance is now open for business!
Jeff Uurtamo just announced the start of a new blog community for RPG-related blogs and…
RPG Blogging 101: Be different!
As someone mentioned in the comments section of the second post in the series, the…
Help a friend…
A friend, fellow member of Puerto Rico Role Players and all around swell guy Rallaster,…
RPG Blogging 101: Attracting Readers
So you’ve started your RPG blog but for some reason nobody is actually reading your…
RPG Blogging 101: Writing posts
Writing posts is actually the hardest part of running any blog. Everything else up to…
RPG Blogging 101: Let’s start at the beginning
So you want to start blogging about tabletop RPGs? Alas that’s easier said than done.…
RPG Blogging 101: Primer
For some time I have been pondering whether I should write a series of blog…