Words of Power, part two of the Ultimate magic playtest…
I’ve been a little quiet these past few days, real life, a bad cold and…
Geeky Clean!
This post is a bit of a follow-up to what I posted yesterday. Finding a…
Ask Your Readers: Christmas Gifts for Roleplayers
Christmas is approaching quite fast and people all around the globe are getting ready to…
DriveThru discounts for the Holiday season
Again I can provide you with a coupon code that gives you a 20% discount…
New Official Fudge Site launched
Last week Grey Ghost Press launched its new community-driven Fudge RPG site. It’s still a…
What about Advanced Feats: The Summoner’s Circle? A review…
On earlier posts I have reviewed the two previous installments of the Advanced Feats series…
Let’s all put our minds together, RPMN Blog Carnival anybody? Social Media and its impact on RPGs!
Please note that this post first appeared on the Role Play Media Network. If you…
Let’s revive the Role Play Media Network
The RPMN, the social network for RPG bloggers, podcaster, vidcasters and their fans, which was…
Review: Fantasy Craft Adventure Companion
When you have read my blog for quite a while you probably noticed that I…
What about the GameMastery Combat Pad? A review…
As an unabashed fan of all things Pathfinder I guess it is not a surprise…
What about the Coliseum Morpheuon? A review…
“I have often wondered if the majority of mankind ever pause to reflect upon the…
Jim Ward in need of help
According to the Greyhawk Grognard, game design luminary Jim Ward, who is responsible for such…
I laugh and I cry at Knights…
Besides being a longtime gamer I have other hobbies. For the longest time I’ve been…
The End of The Forge
Recently Ron Edwards announced that the famous indie RPG forum The Forge will enter into…
New RPG forum
Today the "RPG Table Talk” forums went life, a new forum for roleplaying game discussions…
Zombiepocalypse the SpyLite route…
At a recent local convention the Puerto Rico Role Players group set up a table…