Ask The Readers: Tell me about Gamma World!
Let me start by saying that I didn’t particularly enjoy playing D&D 4th Edition. Over…
My NaGa DeMon diary #2
My project is progressing much slower than I anticipated. But I actually made some progress…
TRPBTNTWA or “Things Role Playing Bloggers Tend Not To Write About”
Fellow RPG blogger Noisms came up with a list of subjects RPG bloggers usually don’t…
Using the Kindle at the game table
Yesterday I finally got my Kindle. For quite a while I have been pondering whether…
My NaGa DeMon diary #1
On Friday I announced my project for this year’s NaGa DeMon. It will be a…
I finally had an idea for what I want to work on for NaGa DeMon!…
Putting fantastic back into Fantasy
Yesterday I played in another session of Chris McDowall’s “Into the Odd” over Google+ Hangout.…
My Plans for NaGa DeMon
Last week I’ve posted about this year’s National Game Design Month (don’t let you distract…
NaGa DeMon, NaNoWriMo and Scrivener
No, we’re not talking about demonic snake-like people from Indian mythology here. Nathan Russel, the…
The woes of the amateur game designer
I am sure a lot of you have found my blog for the first time…
Fleeting Moments: RPGs That End
"The best way to plan a chronicle’s size is to come up with a number…
Yesterday Crafty Games released its Mistborn Adventure Game Primer on DriveThruRPG for free. I have…
First Look: Anima Prime
Yesterday night I was browsing RPGNow in hopes of finding an interesting RPG I haven’t…
Character Concepts: The old hero…
Just as I am more of a lover than a fighter (and no I’m not…
Recently I decided to switch to Free FATE for my current FATE games. This has…
What about the Divine Favor series? A review…
When I reviewed the Advanced Feats series from Open Design I wished they would give…