I Voted!
Please don’t forget to cast your vote for the 2010 ENnie Awards! I just submitted…
Dark Sun Light… Microlite that is!
Andrew Mordo, also known as Corvus, fellow contributor to this blog and all around nice…
Salmon and D&D
Last Saturday I ran my weekly Dungeons & Dragons adventure. This weeks adventure was one…
Preparing for Gen Con: Geek Wear
When I finally decided to attend Gen Con this year, I also decided that I…
First Impressions: DC Adventures
As soon as it was available, I decided to preorder the DC Adventures Hero’s Handbook…
My GenCon Schedule
Recently Zachary Houghton posted his GenCon schedule. I think this is a great idea, because…
Video Review: Fantasy Craft
On the weekend I finally sat down and tried to record a video review of…
Is the OSR mainly driven by nostalgia?
I am not sure what got me thinking but recently I asked myself why all…
Other sources of inspiration for RPGs: Comics
It’s easy to list off the inspiration and influences from literature and movies on role…
My Orcus & Me!
Today I got my Orcus, Prince of Undeath Gargantuan Figure. I was so excited to…
Assassins, and Necromancers, and Hexblades! Oh My!
I was quite excited when I recently read the Critical Hits post titled, "D&D 4e:…
Does the GM Screen deserve to go the way of the Dodo?
I always tell myself I’m not going to buy it. But I always do and…
Deathwatch: In-Depth Preview Video
This game sounds more intriguing every time I learn something new about it. And the…
Let’s got to the frontier… The Star Frontier that is!
Dane of War’s excellent post, 10 RPGs every gamer should play before they fail their…
Deconstructing Metaplots
I have a confession to make (another one you say)! As a Game Master IÂ really…
Ask The Readers: What’s your take on Exalted?
White Wolf’s Exalted is one of the games that immediately piqued my interest when it…