X-plorers released
David Bezio just informed me in the comments to my last X-plorers post that the…
Give Dungeonslayers a 2nd chance
I am pretty sure some of you have already read about Dungeonslayers. In November of…
To Savage or Not to Savage
When you convert an existing campaign setting or game to the Savage Worlds rules you…
When in doubt, use RISUS
[caption id="attachment_1984" align="alignright" width="121" caption="RISUS - The Anything RPG by S. John Ross"][/caption] During the…
Dungeonslayers updates
While I was busy with some other projects the Dungeonslayers community was working hard on…
On WotC’s fan site kit policy
Yesterday our side of the Twitterverse was in uproar about Wizard's silly new fan site…
“The hobby is far from being dead!”
This time, the quote is by me. If you ask me, all those doomsayers that…
“Pen & paper games will be forgotten in ten years”
No, that line is not from me, but from game designer Steve Jackson, co-founder of…
Happy birthday, Stargazer’s World!
[caption id="attachment_1971" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Awesome D&D themed birthday cake"][/caption] One year ago, I wrote my…
Vacation time
I just wanted to let you all know that I am having two weeks off…
There’s more to OGL than d20 (Part 2)
This is the second and concluding (for now at least) episode of my series on…
Reading Recommendation: “Quick Primer for Old School Gaming”
I have never played the early editions of D&D. Not even one of the retro-clones…
What kind of player are you?
I just read about a quiz that reveals what kind of player you are and…
There’s more to OGL than d20 (Part 1)
A couple of years back, when Wizards of the Coast released 3rd Edition of D&D,…
NOIR is now “Thrilling Noir Stories”
"It was another cold and rainy night. I was sitting in my 20 square yards…
Ad Astra update
This weekend I finally continued work on my Ad Astra project. Some time ago fellow…