Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 2
Now that I’ve started writing about this I can’t stop. Here is the thing, on…
RPG Blogging 101: Primer
For some time I have been pondering whether I should write a series of blog…
Day of Fudge
As you probably know I have a soft spot for the Fudge system. Alas I…
Review: Dragon Warriors
Dragon Warriors is a classic British fantasy roleplaying game that has originally been released in…
Get 20% off of selected titles at DriveThruRPG this month
Like in the months before I can provide you with the coupon code for a…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 1
Fellow poster, and all around nice guy, Shinobicow (who also has a really cool nick,…
Someone is stealing our stuff!
I have no problems with people using the Stargazer’s World RSS feed as it is…
My homework for you today: try out a new game
Ok, you don’t have to do it today, but if you try out a new…
Ask the readers: Does not play well with others…
Over in the Paizo Blog I’ve been reading with some interest their proposed changes to the Pathfinder…
Minigames in roleplaying games
Recently I have started playing Sid Meier’s Pirates! again. Pirates! is a single-player, open world…
Inner Sea World Guide: First impressions …
This past Saturday I went down to my FLGS and got my hands on the…
A word on our Alternity April Fool’s post
On April 1st, commonly known as April Fool’s Day, we posted a fake press release…
Exciting Alternity news!
We’ve been sitting on this for a couple of weeks, dying to share it with…
Lazy Friday Video Post: “Mike Mearls talks about the future of D&D”
Check out what Mike Mearls, who is currently in charge of D&D development, told us…
A font by any other name…
I don’t know about you, but I love collecting them. Ever since I got my…
Aspects of War
Whether the Player Characters in your campaign stand for good or battle for evil, one…