Lazy Friday Video Post: “Making the Most of Mythic Structure”
This time I want to share a video from the Neoncon 2009 GamesU with you.…
New avatar!
Today Kyle Ferrin created a cool new avatar for me. All he needed was a…
Secret dice rolls
When I remember correctly I’ve always rolled behind the GM screen when I was running…
Our first RPG pub meeting was a success!
Some time ago, I wrote about the plans to organize a regular, RPG-themed pub meeting.…
Posts from Stargazer’s World will be included in OGT2
I have known this for some time now, but I wanted to wait with this…
I just read about this on Simon Rogers’ LiveJournal blog: All of our GUMSHOE PDF…
Lazy Friday Video Post: A Gentlemen’s Duel
I found this great short movie on Geeks are Sexy the day before yesterday and…
“Blog of a new RPGer” interview
As you probably know I love to interview interesting people from the roleplaying industry. Yesterday…
Good news for all Iron Kingdom fans!
I almost overlooked yesterday’s post at Purple Pawn. But then I scrolled back and read…
Get the “World of Darkness” rulebook for free this week
I just found out that the World of Darkness rulebook is available for free on…
Dungeonslayers: Forgeworks
Finally the first official supplement for the Dungeonslayers game has been translated into English. Forgeworks…
The A-Team: A model for RPG campaigns?
Yesterday while watching an episode of The A-Team on TV, it struck me. Wouldn’t The…
Stargazer’s World moved to a new server!
Some of you may have noticed that Stargazer’s World was extremely slow recently. Today it…
Gears: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
While developing Gears I have encountered many situations where I was not sure if the…
Annual GM’s Day Sale at RPGNow
As every year, OneBookShelf is celebrating the GM day by having a big sale. The…
New Tunnels & Troll magazine
Dan Prentice just informed a about the cool new Tunnels & Troll magazine called “TrollsZine”…