I laugh and I cry at Knights…
Besides being a longtime gamer I have other hobbies. For the longest time I’ve been…
Death & Traps
As a Dungeon Master (DM) I have a confession to make. I want to kill…
Zombiepocalypse the SpyLite route…
At a recent local convention the Puerto Rico Role Players group set up a table…
Roleplaying game settings based on an existing book, movie or computer game franchise can be…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 5
Well here we are the last installment of my experiment at using the blog to…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 4
Greetings dear readers! This is part four of the introduction I recently wrote for my…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 3
This is the part three of the fiction I wrote for my new supers campaign.…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 2
This is the second part of the fiction I wrote as an introduction to my…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 1
This is the first installment of my experiment at sharing with you, our dear reader,…
Gaming fiction weal or woe?
Role playing games are so entrenched in their literary roots, from Beowulf to El Cantar…
PAX Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons
While I was at PAX Prime this year I went and saw the Pax Celebrity…
Free Stuff Friday: A Death Certificate
It's Friday and it's time to give you some more free stuff! This week's Free…
Love the setting, hate the game!
I think we’ve all gone through it. We hear about it and we are intrigued...…
Telling the story my way…
As a long time Game Master I like to try different ways of telling a…
PAX Prime 2010 – Day 3
Waking up on the last day of PAX was slow and painful for not only…
PAX Prime 2010 – Day 2
Waking up and pulling myself out of bed I was feeling like I had been…