Doubly Eliminating Expectations
I have played Magic: The Gathering almost as long as I have been playing RPGs.…
What about the Pathfinder Role Playing Game Character Change Log? A review…
I’ve been away from reviews far too long. Let’s get back to it! When I…
Free RPG Day is coming!
Junes is a fun month. Summer begins, it’s my birthday (feel free to send gifts!)…
The Sunglar Report
Who is that Sunglar listed under authors in the right side column of the blog?…
Dungeoneering Abroad
I suppose I can't take full credit for Michael's post on German RPGs, but I…
What about the Kobold of Winter, aka #20? A review…
“The Winter Kobold is coming!” If those were the words of House Stark, Eddard would…
Oldies but goodies! Some great digital game supplements for the New Year…
It’s really strange that I just classified as “oldies” some books that became available in…
Fleeting Moments: RPGs That End
"The best way to plan a chronicle’s size is to come up with a number…
First Look: The Kerberos Club FATE Edition
Arc Dream Publishing’s The Kerberos Club has been released three times over the last few…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 2: Other games and minis too!
And we are back… Welcome to part 2 of my Gen Con retrospective. When we…
Excited about Airship Pirates
A while ago I already posted about Cubicle 7 and Abney Park’s upcoming post-apocalyptic steampunk…
What time is it? Jade Regent time!
I just got an e-mail from Paizo promoting their upcoming Adventure Path, Jade Regent. Curiously…
Converting the Spouse: An Ongoing Quest – Part 1
So my friends, I come to you in the very odd position of being married…
What about Might of the Magus? A review…
When I reviewed the Complete Advanced Feats, and I wished I could see an Advanced…
What about Kobold Quarterly #18? A review…
Ah the change of seasons, the passing of time. Maddening heat and unending rain have…
Digital Crits and Fumbles!
If you are a Pathfinder RPG fan like me you might already know this, but just in…