Ask The Readers: What is the highest prize you are willing to pay for a PDF product?
The pricing of RPG products is always a highly debated topic. Some game designers and…
The Dungeon Master Guys
Today, on my daily commute, I listened to episode 1 of the new “Dungeon Master…
Maps, maps, maps! A trio of reviews… Part 3 – Map Packs
On the last leg of this review of mapping aides and tools I use for…
Maps, maps, maps! A trio of reviews… Part 2 – Dungeon Tiles
Continuing my reviews of the map aides I use for my games. On my previous…
Jess Hartley interview
I recently had the chance to ask a couple of questions to prolific novelist and…
Maps, maps, maps! A trio of reviews… Part 1 – Flip Mats
As an avid player of D20 games maps have become an integral part of my…
Sneak peek: OPD Codex 2009 Deluxe
For quite some time I have been working on the layout of the premium version…
Dresden Files RPG: Preorder Is Go!
When I crawled out of bed a few minutes ago, I noticed that the Dresden…
Lazy Friday Video Post: PAX East 2010 Keynote
Check out this video from Wil Wheaton's PAX East 2010 keynote: httpv:// You can watch…
Preview: Space 1889 – Red Sands
Almost exactly one year ago, Pinnacle Entertainment Group announced Space 1889: Red Sands, a Savage…
Exchange of Realities
Recently fellow RPG blogger and one-time guest blogger here at Stargazer’s World Ravyn has moved…
Cheap battlemats!
For the longest time I gamed without minis or a battlemat. Despite beginning to play…
Dresden Files RPG: Nevermore
This news is already a couple of days old, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt…
Traveling for Inspiration
Travels, short and long, have often inspired me, both as topics for writing fiction (something…
Apple’s new iPad and RPGs
I have to admit I am very excited about Apple's upcoming iPad. In my opinion…
Freebie: Old-School Fantasy Character Pack
You might remember my recent review about Reality Blurs’ new old-school fantasy adventure “A Keg…