It’s DriveThruRPG discount time again!
I think you know the drill, so I won’t bore you with long introductions. You…
Ask the readers: Tools of the trade, RPG book transportation!
I’m on the last leg of my current Mutants & Masterminds Dawn of a New…
My points of light…
Who knew that former US President George H. W. Bush was a Game Master, and…
What about the Kobold of Winter, aka #20? A review…
“The Winter Kobold is coming!” If those were the words of House Stark, Eddard would…
Dinner with Gamers
Recently I sat down for dinner with friends at the Golden Place Buffet in Guaynabo.…
Oldies but goodies! Some great digital game supplements for the New Year…
It’s really strange that I just classified as “oldies” some books that became available in…
Unfinished business
I think as a whole we human beings are completists. We want to complete what…
Character Concepts: The old hero…
Just as I am more of a lover than a fighter (and no I’m not…
What about the Divine Favor series? A review…
When I reviewed the Advanced Feats series from Open Design I wished they would give…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 3: On to other stuff…
So we’ve covered role-playing games (and I missed a couple of things but I’ll get…
Get 20% off until September 20 on selected DriveThruRPG titles
As in the months before DriveThruRPG has provided us with a coupon code that gives…
Gen Con 2011, a retrospective… Part 1: Role Playing Games
Last time I wrote about Gen Con was a week ago as I did my…
My Gen Con plans…
I am really looking forward to Gen Con! I blogged about it a while ago...…
What time is it? Jade Regent time!
I just got an e-mail from Paizo promoting their upcoming Adventure Path, Jade Regent. Curiously…
What about Might of the Magus? A review…
When I reviewed the Complete Advanced Feats, and I wished I could see an Advanced…
What about Kobold Quarterly #18? A review…
Ah the change of seasons, the passing of time. Maddening heat and unending rain have…