Eclipse Phase – A Study in Philanthropy
If you are even remotely interested in Science Fiction roleplaying games, you might have heard…
The State of the Industry and SPIEL
On last Saturday I attended SPIEL, the international game and toy fair in Essen, Germany.…
Roleplaying game settings based on an existing book, movie or computer game franchise can be…
Iron Dynasty – Way of the Ronin
It’s been months since Gen Con and I still haven’t read all the books I’ve…
Some thoughts on SPIEL ‘10
On Saturday my girlfriend and I accompanied some friends to the world’s biggest consumer fair…
Generally my Dungeons & Dragons game starts at 1:30pm on Saturdays. Sometimes not everyone can…
Dungeonslayers in the pub
Yesterday I had the opportunity to run a session of the upcoming 4th edition of…
Stargazer’s World Book Club reminder…
We are past the half of the month and consequently past the half way point…
Lapsus Calumni
Lapsus Calumni is the title of M.S. Jackson’s internet fanzine and its accompanying blog. His…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 5
Well here we are the last installment of my experiment at using the blog to…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 4
Greetings dear readers! This is part four of the introduction I recently wrote for my…
Return of the Immortals
Note: The contents of this post first appeared at Polyhedral Dreams in two parts. This…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 3
This is the part three of the fiction I wrote for my new supers campaign.…
Dawn of a New Age, Part 2
This is the second part of the fiction I wrote as an introduction to my…
Gaming finds!
For quite some time I could not understand the appeal of antiquing and the TV…
Strands of Fate
Strands of Fate is a heavily modified version of the FATE rules written by Mike…