Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 5 of 8)
And we are past the halfway point! This is part 5 of Friday’s mini-series based…
Ask The Readers! Input on a BareBones Fantasy sci-fi hack… (First draft)
Seems like we are on a sci-fi roll here in the blog in 2013! So…
My thoughts on the TableTop episode 19 “Dragon Age”
I love TableTop. It’s currently my favorite show on YouTube and I hope it will…
Review: Night’s Black Agents
Pelgrane Press’ Gumshoe roleplaying games usually don’t disappoint and Kenneth Hite’s Night’s Black Agents is…
Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 4 of 8)
This is part 4 of the mini-series of posts going live every Friday and based…
Preparing for the Mass Effect game (Part 1)
Usually I don’t do much in the way of preparation and rely on my improvisation…
Kickstarter: Achtung! Cthulhu
We are breaking our regular schedule for some Kickstarter news. Two days ago Chris Birch…
A Mass Effect Diaspora
After a long hiatus I’ll finally be running a new roleplaying game campaign again. On…
Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 3 of 8)
Welcome back to part 3 of our mini-series of weekly post about my Star Wars…
Ask The Stargazer: What is the best Fantasy RPG?
Some of you may remember the column “Ask The Stargazer” that I introduced back in…
The Pathfinder Reference Document Updated (And a few other things!)
If you are a Pathfinder RPG fan you might already know this because Paizo has…
Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 2 of 8)
Hello there and welcome back! This is the second installment of the weekly mini-series of…
Gaming on the cheap – 2013 Edition (Part 2/2)
Last time I wrote about some highly recommended free games, this time I want to…
What about the Star Wars X-Wing Miniature Game? A mini review…
Seems I am on a Star Wars roll these days… Recently during a Puerto Rico…
Star Wars Infinities – The Gathering Storm (Part 1 of 8)
The sale of Lucasfilms to Disney, the release of the Star Wars Edge of the…
Gaming on the cheap – 2013 Edition (Part 1/2)
”Roleplaying games can be an expensive hobby, especially when you are the game master.” With…