Yesterday Titled Mills released the computer game "Hinterland" over Steam. In that game you play…
Free solitaire game: Inquisition
Perhaps you know 1KM1KT, an excellent site that publishes new free roleplaying games on a…
RIFTS Ultimate Edition – Just my two cents
When I today opened my mailbox I found an US airmail envelope with the RIFTS…
One GM screen to rule them all
I have seen a lot GM screens in my roleplaying times and most of them…
Is d20 Modern dead?
When I am not totally mistaken the last major release for d20 Modern was d20 Dark•Matter and…
First Look: Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide
On Saturday I got my copy of one of WotC's latest books, the Forgotten Realms…
Roleplaying music – Bioshock
The award-winning computer game Bioshock takes place in an underwater city called Rapture, where the…
Pirates are playing in the sandbox
This saturday, we concluded our first Pirates of the Spanish Main adventure. I used the…
It’s the end of the world as we know it…
We are still there! LHC has not killed us (yet), so we still have some…
Post/page ratings and iPhone support
This morning I installed two plugins that will make reading this blog even more enjoyable!…
Is D&D Insider worth up to 8$ per month?
Recently WotC's Randy Buehler has revealed the plans for the future of DDI. In the…
Elementary, dear Watson!
I love RPG and I love murder mysteries. When I am not blogging, gaming or…
Drinking from the firehose
The RPG Bloggers Network is awesome. It helped new or virtually unknown blogs like mine…
“Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition” Review
Savage Worlds is a multi-genre roleplaying game created by Pinnacle Entertainment. So it's no coincidence…
Roleplaying music – “WoW: Taverns of Azeroth”
Recently Blizzard Entertainment has released a new game soundtrack album over Apple's iTunes Store: "World…
Superhero campaigns
Although I am no avid fan I like superhero comics, movies and computer games. I…