What time is it? Jade Regent time!
I just got an e-mail from Paizo promoting their upcoming Adventure Path, Jade Regent. Curiously…
Christmas in July!
I just wanted to remind all our readers that the Christmas in July sale at…
Puerco papers for better gaming!
This post needs a preamble. As I was finishing my weekly game in the wee…
Superhero games are hard!
If you’ve read any of my posts in the recent past you probably know I…
Starblazer Adventures meets the Mass Effect Universe
Some time ago I wrote about my plans to run a Starblazer Adventures game. As…
Twitter and me!
I was not keen on Twitter at first. Some may say I am not big…
Trust issues
Over the years I have talked with a lot of roleplaying game players about rules-light…
What about Kobold Quarterly #18? A review…
Ah the change of seasons, the passing of time. Maddening heat and unending rain have…
Preparing for Starblazer Adventures
My current gaming dry spell is about to end next Tuesday evening. A few RPG…
Digital Crits and Fumbles!
If you are a Pathfinder RPG fan like me you might already know this, but just in…
You learn who your true friends are in times of hardship…
I have not posted here since July 1st, and my last post was about the…
RPG Blogging 101: You need to have a thick skin!
In light of recent events I thought it would be a good idea to come…
Oh look, the Magus… and more!
The new class for the Pathfinder RPG keeps catching me unaware. As I wrote when…
Come one, come all, to the greatest geeknic on earth!
I try (I really do) not to toot my own horn, or try to use…
Fated to play FATE
During the last weeks I have felt the pull towards Evil Hat’s FATE system getting…
What I am working on right now
I recently had a couple of long weekends that allowed me to work on several…