
You probably already know that I love to try out new features for my blog. Some time ago I read about Simple:Press forum and I had to try it out. Today I finally...

December 19, 2008


As you may have noticed these blog uses a ratings plugin that allows readers to rate each post from 1 to 5 stars. I added this feature to give my readers another opportunity...

December 19, 2008

A Colder War

While looking for some inspiration for a Call of Cthulhu adventure I stumbled upon Charles Stross’ short story “A Colder War“. The story is set into an alternative timeline that follows the events...

December 15, 2008

WordPress 2.7

I’ve successfully updated to WordPress 2.7 this morning. The update process was even easier than I expected and it seems everything is working fine for now. Please let me know if you encounter...

December 12, 2008

Scribd gem: Dragon Fist

1999 Wizards of the Coast released a free wuxia-inspired roleplaying game called “Dragon Fist” created by Chris Pramas. The rules have a strong AD&D 2nd Edition feel to it and the setting reminds...

December 10, 2008

Google Friend Connect

This morning I added a Google Friend Connect gadget to the site. I had to fiddle around with the theme a bit, but in the end it turned out pretty nice. So, what...

December 5, 2008

FATE review

“Fantastic Adventures in Tabletop Entertainment” or FATE for short is a free roleplaying game by Fred Hicks and Rob Donoghue. In many ways FATE is different from classic roleplaying games like D&D for...

December 1, 2008

Some site updates

I’ve made a few tweaks to the site today. From now on the permalinks to pages and posts are much prettier than before. To link to this post for example you can use...

November 28, 2008


Recently I stumbled upon a new rules-light roleplaying game called “Dungeonslayers”. Dungeonslayers consists of 12 pages of rules and is meant as a fun and easy to play fantasy RPG. There is no...

November 28, 2008