More maps? Sure why not! A new Kickstarter
I have various game related addictions I need to keep in check. The first pre-painted…
Catching up with the Kobold…
Real life has really taken a chunk of my blogging time, so my posts have…
New “Fanworks” for Dungeonslayers
It’s a great time for Dungeonslayers fans right now. Just a few days ago the…
Review: Kobold Quarterly #21
I'm a bit late to the game, but I had a chance to read my…
Dungeonslayers 4th Edition out now!
It was in November 2008 when I first wrote a short post about a German…
Mass Transit IV Unpacking!
Some time ago I wrote about a Kickstarter I was backing Mass Transit IV Maps…
Doubly Eliminating Expectations
I have played Magic: The Gathering almost as long as I have been playing RPGs.…
Dear gaming community – a follow up
I want to start by saying that I apologize for any harm I caused by…
Dear gaming community
The following is some kind of open letter that I wrote on Google+ a while…
Turn! Turn! Turn! To Everything There is a Season
Recent events have me thinking about time; time keeping in games, the effects on pacing…
Leagues of Adventure
If you are interested in Triple Ace Games’ League of Adventures game, you should head…
Lazy Friday Video Post: D&D Adventure Coach
You need help with your D&D game? Then hire the Adventure Coach! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i5Yw4ZoDO0 Enjoy!
The dark side of Kickstarter
Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms have become quite popular recently. A lot of RPG publishers…
Running Legend
A while ago I decided to switch my fantasy campaign to a new rules system.…
Recently Javier Custa, a Spanish game designer, contacted me and let me know about his…
What about the Pathfinder Role Playing Game Character Change Log? A review…
I’ve been away from reviews far too long. Let’s get back to it! When I…