Diseases in roleplaying games
Earlier that week I have been coping with a nasty cold. My head felt like…
Game Mastering Conundrums… Limiting player choices!
For those wondering why there was no post yesterday, the Stargazer is sick! Doesn’t seem…
Learning is good for you! And gaming too…
To say that role-playing games have been good for me is an understatement. Besides the…
Unfinished business
I think as a whole we human beings are completists. We want to complete what…
Puerto Rico Role Players GM Workshop
I often write about these things after the fact… maybe I should write about them…
Converting the Spouse: An Ongoing Quest – Part 3
When last we left our valiant adventurers, they had climbed Mt. Doom and were about…
Converting the Spouse: An Ongoing Quest – Part 2
I was really, really surprised and excited to see the great response behind my first…
Puerco papers for better gaming!
This post needs a preamble. As I was finishing my weekly game in the wee…
Superhero games are hard!
If you’ve read any of my posts in the recent past you probably know I…
“Spanish, Spanish, Spanish saving throw, Spanish”: Role-Playing in different languages
Recently I had a tweet exchange with Shaun and Michael about which language we role-played…
Communication Breakdown: Language in RPGs
The other night I got my hands on a copy of Rogue Trader, one of…
Being a better Game Master: Credit where credit is due!
Being a Dungeon Master, Game Master, Storyteller, Referee, call it what you may, is not…
Building better characters
One of the most important steps when starting a new game is creating characters. If…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 2
Now that I’ve started writing about this I can’t stop. Here is the thing, on…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 1
Fellow poster, and all around nice guy, Shinobicow (who also has a really cool nick,…
Aspects of War
Whether the Player Characters in your campaign stand for good or battle for evil, one…