Crazy Campaign Chronicles: Childhood toys…
Introductory note: I wrote a previous post on this series about those crazy ideas one…
Mass Effect and Ashen Stars – Could this work?
From time to time I get the urge to run a SF campaign using the…
The Klarkash-Ton Cycle
I usually don’t talk about non-RPG books here on Stargazer’s World, but I don’t think…
How we buy games… A retrospective!
This week I purchased some digital RPG supplements in PDF, pre-ordered a book, and I…
Being a better Game Master: Credit where credit is due!
Being a Dungeon Master, Game Master, Storyteller, Referee, call it what you may, is not…
“You are all travelling in a Stagecoach…” Weird West pre-gens
Recently Michael posted about the new game by Robertson Games Weird West. I have never…
Ask The Readers: Who ya gonna call?
Recently I have rewatched one of my favorite films: Ghostbusters! Even though the movie is…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 2
Now that I’ve started writing about this I can’t stop. Here is the thing, on…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 1
Fellow poster, and all around nice guy, Shinobicow (who also has a really cool nick,…
Inner Sea World Guide: First impressions …
This past Saturday I went down to my FLGS and got my hands on the…
A font by any other name…
I don’t know about you, but I love collecting them. Ever since I got my…
Aspects of War
Whether the Player Characters in your campaign stand for good or battle for evil, one…
Ask the readers: Filing off the serial numbers
If you follow me on twitter (@sunglar) or read my recent posts about Breaking the…
[Dungeonslayers] Caera map created with CC3
It’s always amazing what talented people can do with tools like Campaign Cartographer 3. And…
Crazy Campaign Chronicles: Defenders of the Earth Redux or a Very Pulpy Future!
Introductory note: As Game Master I constantly get ideas for new campaigns. I take notes…
Ultimate History of Dungeons & Dragons
This might have been around for a while, but I only recently discovered it. The…