My experiences with Fudge
Last Friday I ran my first game of Fudge. An old friend visited me and…
Lazy Thursday video post
As you all well know the people running this blog just love H.P. Lovecraft’s work.…
RPG Blogging 101: Writing posts
Writing posts is actually the hardest part of running any blog. Everything else up to…
My quest to run a Fudge game
I’ve been flirting with the Fudge RPG for quite a while now. It was in…
RPG Blogging 101: Let’s start at the beginning
So you want to start blogging about tabletop RPGs? Alas that’s easier said than done.…
Help playtest the High Score RPG
High Score is a roleplaying game currently in development by fellow RPG blogger Dennis Santana…
Review: Eternal Lies Suite
I love using music in roleplaying games since my first GM used the “Nightmare on…
First look: Interface Zero (Savage Worlds Edition)
Savage Worlds is among my favorite roleplaying game systems and I was quite happy when…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 2
Now that I’ve started writing about this I can’t stop. Here is the thing, on…
RPG Blogging 101: Primer
For some time I have been pondering whether I should write a series of blog…
Day of Fudge
As you probably know I have a soft spot for the Fudge system. Alas I…
Review: Dragon Warriors
Dragon Warriors is a classic British fantasy roleplaying game that has originally been released in…
Get 20% off of selected titles at DriveThruRPG this month
Like in the months before I can provide you with the coupon code for a…
Campaign Primer Ideas! Part 1
Fellow poster, and all around nice guy, Shinobicow (who also has a really cool nick,…
Someone is stealing our stuff!
I have no problems with people using the Stargazer’s World RSS feed as it is…
My homework for you today: try out a new game
Ok, you don’t have to do it today, but if you try out a new…