Tales of Asecia
"Tales of Asecia" is a short story (or a start of something more, who knows...)…
Dungeoncraft: Winds Of Change
The world of Asecia is a world constantly in the flux. That's true in several…
Roleplaying music: “Age of Conan – Hyborian Adventures”
When I posted my first "Roleplaying music" article, fellow blogger Crom recommended the soundtrack of…
D&D 4th Edition Firearms
There has always been D&D campaign settings that featured firearms, even the Forgotten Realms had…
Yesterday Titled Mills released the computer game "Hinterland" over Steam. In that game you play…
Free solitaire game: Inquisition
Perhaps you know 1KM1KT, an excellent site that publishes new free roleplaying games on a…
RIFTS Ultimate Edition – Just my two cents
When I today opened my mailbox I found an US airmail envelope with the RIFTS…
Fantasy Superheroes
We all know the classic superhero comics. Usually they are set into our modern world…
More prop generators!
In my last post I wrote about the Newspaper Clipping Generator, but there are a…
Newspaper Clippings
I always love to use props and one of my favorite prop are newspaper clippings.…
One GM screen to rule them all
I have seen a lot GM screens in my roleplaying times and most of them…
Dungeoncraft: Religion on Asecia
In most medieval-fantasy campaigns the gods are very real, they grant spells to their most…
Is d20 Modern dead?
When I am not totally mistaken the last major release for d20 Modern was d20 Dark•Matter and…
Roleplaying music – “The Witcher”
Recently CDProjekt has released the Enhanced Edition of its roleplaying game "The Witcher". The game…
First Look: Forgotten Realms Player’s Guide
On Saturday I got my copy of one of WotC's latest books, the Forgotten Realms…
Roleplaying music – “Thief – Deadly Shadows”
When "Thief - Deadly Shadows" (aka Thief III) was released, Ion Storm also made the…