Dragon Age unboxing
This afternoon the postman brought me the Dragon Age boxed set I’ve been waiting for.…
CthulhuTech Quickstart
Finally the guys from WildFire have released a quickstart PDF of their CthulhuTech game. I…
Gears / AARG
I got a message via the contact form on the blog’s About page from someone…
Le jeu de rôle à l’ancienne
While I was busy working on my own RPG project, the Dungeonslayers community finally released…
Stargazer’s World presents Gears
One of the things I always wanted to accomplish was to write a complete roleplaying…
Review: Wushu Open
Wushu Open is a short, free and rules-lite roleplaying game created with the Wuxia genre…
Reminder: One Page Dungeon Contest 2010 ends on March 1st!
Just this morning I had a chat with Alex Schröder, who is organizing this year’s…
Lazy Friday Video Post: Game Geeks reviews X-Plorers
I have been waiting quite a time for this particular review! Kurt Wiegel finally gave…
My thoughts on the new D&D “red box”
It recently came to my attention (mainly by means of fellow RPG Blogger Greywulf’s post)…
Twitter Trouble!
This post has nothing to with roleplaying games, but with something happening on Twitter right…
What’s on my reading list right now?
I don’t think there ever was a time during the last 20 years or so,…
Other Videogames That Should Be Turned Into Pen and Paper RPGs @ allgeektout
Fellow RPG blogger Aaron Broder followed up on my post about videogames that should be…
DIY: Binding your printed PDFs
I know that a lot of gamers own PDF versions of roleplaying games, either because…
Five Things You Should Never Say to Your DM
Geek blog “Geeks are Sexy” has shown its love for Dungeon Masters last Friday. Their…
Videogames that should be turned into pen & paper RPGs
Recently the extremely successful Dragon Age: Origins by Bioware was brought to the gaming table…
Chimera RPG Price Reduction
When I opened my mailbox today I noticed that The Welsh Piper has sent its…