Crowdfunding Backed Projects Audit 2024
In July 2022, I audited the Kickstarter projects I backed to know where all these…
#RPGaDay2024, The other topics… Days 25 to 30
Here it is, the last speed round of the month. It's time to catch up…
Kickstarter: Dimday Red TTRPG – Nodus Zine 02
A couple of days ago Spiros Drakatos reached out to me and let me know…
Upcoming Kickstarter: Into The Odd Remastered
Into the Odd by Chris McDowall has always been a game close to my heart.…
Kickstarter: Electric Bastionland
Into the Odd is one of the most unique and creative games I've played in…
Domains Horror
It is impossible to hang out with TTRPG designers, follow them on twitter or any…
HOPE Playtest
I randomly generated a mission, to raid for armory resources, and followed through to create…
The Mirror Tells Her Lies
I have many fond memories of playing RuneQuest back in the day and amusing discussions…
Kickstarter: Children of the Beast
Recently Nicholas Kitts, head of Nexus Shift Games, let us know about the kickstarter for…
Kickstarter: Golgotha Tabletop Roleplaying Game
Greg Saunders (check out my 2017 interview) is currently raising funds for his latest roleplaying…
Kickstarter: “Making History: Three One-Session RPGs”
Back in 2010, about a month after I finished writing WR&M I visited GenCon in…
Kickstarter: Odyssey of the Dragonlords
Modiphius is more active than ever. I just heard from their PR assistant Panny that…
Ballad of the Pistolero
A friend of mine has, completely by chance, been working on a Wild West RPG…
Kickstarter: RPG Smith
This is just a quick update to let you folks know that the Kickstarter campaign…
Kickstarter: Secretum Mundi – The book of the Secret World
As I’ve mentioned before, I love the stuff Greg Saunders creates. Last year, I helped…
Is Kickstarter a double edge sword?
A couple of weeks ago, as a consequence of the g+ exodus, I got into…