Podcast Recommendation: The Dungeon Master’s Handbook
This is a quick follow-up to my last post. I got in touch with Michael…
Podcast recommendation: Grumpy Old Gamers
I have to admit I am not an avid listener to podcasts. I always found…
#RPGaDay2018 – Days 23 to 27: Video Compilation
Yes, I’m still here… not giving up on #RPGaDay2018! If you follow me on social…
#RPGaDay2017 Day 3: Inquiring minds want to know
Thank you for coming back dear reader. I hope you are all having fun with…
Desde la Fosa! A new project for Sunglar
Hello dear reader… Fret not about the title, I’m not quitting this blog (even if…
RPG a Day 2016: The Multimedia RPG Revolution- Day 18
This is more like it, a topic that gets my creative juices flowing! The question…
RPG a Day 2015 Challenge – Day 13
Lucky number 13, this time around the topic is podcasts, let’s get to it... Day…
Long drives and Podcasts…
Podcasts and me, it’s a relatively new affair. Despite being an avid radio listener (and…
Gen Con Day 1… Results: Tired! (Lots of fun but beat)
Whatever possessed me to think I could actually write about Gen Con Indy after a…
“This Just In … From Gen Con” needs your help
Gen Con Indy is a quite expensive event and also a lot of work if…
Learning to say no…
It’s hard. There I said it! What? No, no get your head out of the…
PAX Celebrity Dungeons & Dragons
While I was at PAX Prime this year I went and saw the Pax Celebrity…
Kickin’ it old-school with the crew from RPG Circus
For quite some time the crew of RPG Circus and me tried to figure out…
The Dungeon Master Guys
Today, on my daily commute, I listened to episode 1 of the new “Dungeon Master…
Ed Healy interviewed ChattyDM
Earlier today Ed Healy tweeted about his interview with my good friend Philippe-Antoine Ménard aka…
DMs Should Join Other Games
I think the best thing any Dungeon Master can to do improve his or her…