The woes of the amateur game designer
I am sure a lot of you have found my blog for the first time…
Fleeting Moments: RPGs That End
"The best way to plan a chronicle’s size is to come up with a number…
Yesterday Crafty Games released its Mistborn Adventure Game Primer on DriveThruRPG for free. I have… goes English
Fellow RPGBA member is currently running a IndieGoGo fundraising campaign in order to get…
First Look: Anima Prime
Yesterday night I was browsing RPGNow in hopes of finding an interesting RPG I haven’t…
Character Concepts: The old hero…
Just as I am more of a lover than a fighter (and no I’m not…
Freebie: Système Alamänder
On the D101 Games site I found a link to a free OpenQuest-based game. The…
Two new WYRED releases
I think I have talked about WYRED before. It’s a cyberpunk roleplaying game written by …
Long drives and Podcasts…
Podcasts and me, it’s a relatively new affair. Despite being an avid radio listener (and…
Warrior, Rogue & Mage en Español
A while back a gentleman by the name of Jose Muñoz contacted me on behalf…
Lazy Friday Video post: “Game Geeks #178 RunePunk and Iron Dynasty”
As a follow-up to yesterday’s interview with Sean Preston I want to present to you…
Interview: Sean Preston
I first met Sean Preston at Gen Con 2010. I think I had exchanged a…
Puerto Rico Role Players GM Workshop
I often write about these things after the fact… maybe I should write about them…
Agents of Oblivion is now available!
 Let me start with a quote from John Rogers, the creator and executive producer…
Recently I decided to switch to Free FATE for my current FATE games. This has…
What about the Divine Favor series? A review…
When I reviewed the Advanced Feats series from Open Design I wished they would give…