Five good things I learned playing D&D 4th edition (or… How I learned not to care about diagonal movement!)
Some of you might have gotten the idea from a previous post that I don’t…
Lazy Friday Video Post: A Gentlemen’s Duel
I found this great short movie on Geeks are Sexy the day before yesterday and…
Initiative Tracking Tools
Initiative tracking is very important when it comes to running a Dungeons & Dragons game.…
“Blog of a new RPGer” interview
As you probably know I love to interview interesting people from the roleplaying industry. Yesterday…
Microlite Interview with AntiPaladin Games
This interview originally appeared on Polyhedral Dreams on January 27th, 2010. There have been a…
Good news for all Iron Kingdom fans!
I almost overlooked yesterday’s post at Purple Pawn. But then I scrolled back and read…
Get the “World of Darkness” rulebook for free this week
I just found out that the World of Darkness rulebook is available for free on…
The Importance of Dice
Dice are a very important part of most role playing games. Without out a good…
Dungeonslayers: Forgeworks
Finally the first official supplement for the Dungeonslayers game has been translated into English. Forgeworks…
The A-Team: A model for RPG campaigns?
Yesterday while watching an episode of The A-Team on TV, it struck me. Wouldn’t The…
The State of the Game: Puerto Rico
Hello readers, I’m going to ask your indulgence for a moment because I intend to…
What about the review? Revisiting Pathfinder…
For those of you that read my previous post about the Pathfinder RPG and are…
Annual GM’s Day Sale at RPGNow
As every year, OneBookShelf is celebrating the GM day by having a big sale. The…
New Tunnels & Troll magazine
Dan Prentice just informed a about the cool new Tunnels & Troll magazine called “TrollsZine”…
Microlite Interview with Robin Stacey
This interview originally appeared on Polyhedral Dreams, my old RPG blog, on January 17th, 2010.…
Chronicles of the Four Dragons
Chronicles is one of the many game designs I have floating around on my hard…