Freebie: Daring Tales of the Sprawl Cyberpunk rules
In October Triple Ace Games released a free cyberpunk rules supplement for Savage Worlds that…
I like this!
Inspired by what Berin Kinsman wrote some hours ago on Facebook, I added the WP…
Roleplaying in the Dune universe
Frank Herbert’s Dune is one of my favorite SF books. I’ve read several of the…
Lazy Friday Video Post: Ballad of the Monster Manual
Usually I don’t post two Lazy Friday Video Posts on one day, but this is…
Lazy Friday Video Post: Dungeons & Dragons TV series intro
I remember having seen a few episodes of this series a few years back and…
Recently I heard about the hard science-fiction RPG powered by FATE called Diaspora. I am…
You shouldn’t miss RPG Circus episode 11!
That’s what almost happened to me. When someone recently mentioned the latest RPG Circus (iTunes…
Another news scare-story about D&D from the 80s
On BoingBoing I discovered this mid-80s video about D&D driving kids to suicide. As special…
RPGBN Advisory Panel Community Member
As of today I am the newly elected RPGBN Advisory Panel Community Member. Wow, that’s…
400 posts milestone
I was so busy in the last weeks that I almost missed that my blog…
First Look: On Her Majesty’s Arcane Service
I recently got a copy of Flying Mice Games’ RPG “On Her Majesty’s Arcane Service”…
Please show me your homemade GM screens! (Update)
On November 5th I asked my readers to send me photos of their homemade GM…
Six-Sided Fantasy SRD released
While WEG’s Eric Gibson hasn’t shown up on the WEG Fan Forums for ages and…
Lazy Friday Video Post: Vintage D&D Commercial
Now I understand why people believed D&D was utterly evil. This commercial from the 1980s…
Dragon Age Design Diary #1
Recently the first Dragon Age design diary went online. In this article Green Ronin’s Chris…
Confessions of a lazy GM
I am a very lazy when it comes to preparing roleplaying sessions. When other GMs…